Friday, September 12, 2008

Dog Owners - Please Protect Them In Winter

The winter months bring special challenges to some dog owners. Don't be one of those people who says, "Oh, Fido is just a dog. He needs to stay outside." How would you like to be left outside to shiver and be miserabe? Well, Fido doesn't like it any more than you.

In fact, he can suffer from frost bite before you know it. Make sure that you provide a warm, safe place for him throughout the winter. All God's creatures need warmth and love.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dog Leash Training Tips

One of the most important things to teach your dog is how to walk on a leash. This is a good way to establish authority over your dog and let him know who is in charge. It is also a good way to bond with him and allow him to see sights other than just your backyard. Another benefit is it provides a great way for both you and your dog to get some exercise.

Start Leash Training When Fido Is Just A Puppy
The best time for a dog to learn this is when he is still a pup. However, it is never too late.

Remove The Leash When Leaving Fido Alone
Never leave him alone while wearing the leash. It could get caught on something and there could be tragic consequences.

Here We Go
When it is time to take him for a walk, be sure that you have a good grasp on the leash. He may bound out the door and take off.

Work In Progress
For awhile, leash training will be a work in progress. It may take some time for your best pal to get the hang of it. Just practice every day for a few minutes so that walking on a leash will become routine. You will both enjoy your walks once the training is out of the way.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety have a fear of isolation. They are social animals who form attachments with their mother, litter mates, and finally with humans. Pack animals want to be with others and it can cause a level of fear when they are left alone.

Signs of this disorder can be destructive behavior, excessive barking or whining, depression, or hyperactivity. Your dog may chew your shoes or furniture, defecate and urinate in the house even if they are housebroken, and may even attempt to jump through a window to get to you.

Some have been known to cut or injure themselves severely in an attempt to get to their owner.

Reasons for Separation Anxiety

A sudden change of environment, such as a new home, a kennel stay, death or divorce of family members, or a new baby or pet in the home can trigger this anxiety.


One form of treatment may include not making a fuss when you come and go. Do not show much emotion when you leave your pet at home alone or when you return.

You may also try to make sure your dog gets more exercise. A tired dog may just lie down and sleep when left alone.

In severe cases, you should consult your veterinarian. There are meds especially for this disorder that can be administered in extreme cases.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My New Squidoo Lens

My new Squidoo lens is all about dogs, man's best friend. I am a true dog lover and dogs were always members of the family when I was growing up. They were not simply left out in the yard to fend for themselves.

They were loved, shown affection, and treated well in our household. Luckily, my parents loved dogs and they gave me the gift of canine companionship at an early age. I truly believe that those who do not own and love dogs are missing out on something special. There is no greater pal than a furry one with a wet nose.

I was given a white toy poodle puppy when I was six years old. Her name was Angie and I cannot even imagine my childhood without her. She slept with me every night and followed me around the house with every step I took.

She was my constant companion all through grade school, junior high school, high school, and my first two years of college. She finally died at the age of 14; I was 20 years old. That sweet little dog added more to my life than you can even imagine. It was so much richer because she was part of it for all those years.

So, here's to you, sweet little Angie, wherever you are. Thank you for your love and friendship for the most formative years of my life.